
Since 2019, the general partner of the ALSA association and the main partner of the Prague City Swim race has been the betting agency FORTUNA. Together, we try to gradually spread awareness about ALS and connect individual projects.

The Fortuna betting office has been dedicated to charitable activities and support of the non-profit sector for a long time since its inception. Michal Horáček, as the founder and original owner of the company, was behind the idea of ​​the Běh pro Paraple at the turn of the millennium; in the following years, the company supported the Konto Bariéry and the Sportovní klub vozíčkářů. Dozens of small and regional football teams received financial injections, which used them for basic equipment and organization of their own events.

"Because ALSA is the only organization in the Czech Republic that deals with the incurable disease ALS. This is precisely why the cooperation between ALSA and FORTUNA is right and important, "says L’udovít Vyskoč, CEO of Fortuny.

Fortuna, a.s. has established cooperation with us and financially supports us - in addition to specific events and projects - with a regular contribution. Most of Fortuna's resources are aimed at professionalizing the organization, improving education and communication, and raising awareness of the disease so that it receives greater appropriate attention from the authorities, responsible organizations and the general public.

"Very quickly, basically after the first contact, we knew that cooperation would definitely happen. The decision on the general partnership came over time as we gradually became acquainted with the whole issue and the activities and intentions of the association. As is well known, athletes do not avoid the disease either, and last but not least, the story of Vladimír Mikuláš, a masseur of the Czech football and futsal national team, whose life energy and approach, despite a cruel diagnosis, simply encourages a certain reflection, significantly appealed to us. ” says David Vaněk, CEO of Fortuna

It is the story of Vladimír Mikuláš that is the connecting link in the whole cooperation between us and Fortuna.

"Fortuna's sponsorship and charitable activities have accompanied more or less my entire career in sports. Therefore, I was pleased that in recent years Fortuna began to focus on projects that are not exactly attractive and well-known in the media. The proof is the effort to help patients with ALS. David Vaňek and I my wife met at the Grassroots, where he performed on the stage at the awards ceremony and proved to be a great and interesting speaker, followed by a banquet and a quote from Zdeněk Svěrák's fairy tale “The world is small and there is no shortage of coincidences.” We met with David at one table, where we had the opportunity to meet and show mutual sympathy. Fortuna's interest and efforts to help are extremely noble and necessary. We deeply appreciate that,” says Vladimír Mikuláš.

Mgr. Eva Bezuchová, director of ALSA z.s., joins him: “Our goal is to establish long-term cooperation with Fortuna, thanks to which our work and projects can be developed and improved. Fortuna and ALSA are once again closer to our goal, and that is to build a center for patients with ALS. That is why we appreciate the help that Fortuna offers us.